Elmar Mammadyarov: Negotiations on Nagorno-Karabakh conflict have not reached an impasse

"It is true that this year it was not possible to achieve concrete progress in the negotiation process to resolve the conflict, but it would not be true to regard this as 'negotiations have reached an impasse.'

"Numerous meetings and specific initiatives put forward during the year demonstrate a certain need to continue the negotiation process. We have always stated that as long as there is an opportunity for a peaceful settlement of the conflict through negotiations, we will use it. Of course, the goal is to move the process forward through substantive negotiations on the substance of the matter," Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov said in response to questions from several media outlets, including Report.

"For this, all principles, elements, stages were developed, they were discussed and renewed. All documents prepared to date clarify the issues of a step-by-step settlement of the conflict, the liberation of our occupied territories, the return of internally displaced persons, and the settlement of the status problem at a subsequent stage. In order to get acquainted with these elements, it is enough to read the statement of the co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group of March 9 this year. As for the security and status issues that are constantly being raised by Armenia, I would like to emphasize again that both issues should be regulated within the framework of the settlement process in accordance with the relevant OSCE decisions, as well as UN Security Council resolutions, which, as you know, do not have a statute of limitations. What status can one talk about without the return of the Azerbaijani population of Karabakh? In addition, the security issue, along with the Armenian community, is quite important for the Azerbaijani community in the region, and everyone knows that the use of international peacekeeping mechanisms is necessary.

"You ask what the negotiations have given us. But what then is a conflict resolution, if not negotiating? Even if the conflict breaks out again, negotiations will still resume later, because there is neither eternal war nor eternal negotiations. We are negotiating to restore violated international law, restore Azerbaijan's sovereignty within internationally recognized borders and demonstrate that Azerbaijan is united in its word and deed and is committed to negotiations until the potential for a peaceful settlement has been exhausted. We are negotiating in order to free the territories of Azerbaijan from occupation!

"Today, due to the aggressive policy of Armenia, there are no diplomatic relations between our countries, and negotiations between the parties are carried out through the mediation efforts of the three leading countries of the world, permanent members of the UN Security Council, the main international body responsible for maintaining international peace and security," the Foreign Minister said.

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