Luke Coffey: US should play a stronger role in region

"The US must increase its diplomatic presence in the region."
Report informs that, Director of the Allison Center for Foreign Policy Studies at The Heritage Foundation Luke Coffey, said during an online discussion organized by GCRF-Compass and ADA University.

He also noted that the United States needs to open a US Consulate General in Ganja, as an important city in terms of energy routes and the second big city of Azerbaijan.

"The inclusion of Azerbaijan in the US policy on Central Asia also has great prospects. The country is the gateway to Central Asia. Energy, infrastructure, and trade imply an active connection of the Caspian Sea basin in the United States' geopolitics," the expert believes.

"Regarding the victory of Azerbaijan in the Second Karabakh War, I want to note that the Azerbaijani soldiers won the war, on the ground, in particular, by taking Shusha. "

At the same time, referring to the role of Russia in settlement of the conflict, L. Coffey noted:
"Azerbaijan will somehow need to create conditions for the withdrawal of Russian peacekeepers from Karabakh after five years. And this work must be started now. This mission could be reformatted into a monitoring mission, using the example of the EU mission in Georgia. Another imperative for Azerbaijan is to ensure the spread of its sovereignty throughout Karabakh, particularly the Azerbaijani flag's presence, use of the Azerbaijani currency traffic control in the Lachin corridor, and other issues.

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