Deputy minister: By polluting Okhchuchay River, Armenia damages ecology of entire Caspian region

By polluting the Okhchuchay River, Armenia damages the ecology of the entire Caspian Sea, Azerbaijani Deputy Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources Vugar Karimov told reporters, Report informs.

Though during all the years of occupation, Azerbaijan informed international organizations about all the facts of Armenia’s environmental terror, all these calls remained unheard, he said.

“However, after these lands were liberated, Azerbaijan brings to these lands international experts and representatives of international organizations who can see with their own eyes everything that happened there. Their attitude is expected to change soon. International organizations must influence Armenia,” Karimov emphasized.

He noted that according to preliminary estimates, Armenia caused multi-billion damage to the environment alone. However, the exact numbers are still to be studied, he added.

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