CoE chief: "We have proposals on sustainable peace for Azerbaijan and Armenia"

"The main goal is to build sustainable peace between Azerbaijan and Armenia," Council of Europe Secretary-General Marija Pejčinović Burić said, speaking at PACE's spring session, Report informs.

"We should not speak about countries, we should speak to countries. Building dialogue is among the main missions of our organization. It is essential to create this dialogue on the Karabakh issue. We have done everything possible for a peaceful solution to this conflict. However, the war broke out, and the ceasefire has been reached. Now the main issue is to ensure sustainable peace. It is necessary to build trust, especially mutual trust, to this end. Unfortunately, we still hear some statements that hinder the creation of this mutual trust. We have visited both Baku and Yerevan after the ceasefire was achieved and managed to build dialogue with both parties. These meetings were successful. Today, we have prepared several proposals to both parties regarding the formation of sustainable peace," she said.

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