Caspianpost: Armenians insulted Azerbaijanis' graves

The Caspianpost website published an article entitled "Sisters reunited" about how Armenians insulted graves in the liberated territories of Azerbaijan.

According to Report, the article is dedicated to the heartbreaking scene that photographer Orkhan Azim encountered in the village of Yusifjanli during a visit to the liberated Aghdam region.

The author says he has never claimed that this small village, which is currently creating a melancholy impression, is one of the country's most beautiful lands. But until the 1990s, it had been home to some 1350 Azerbaijanis who could watch sunsets that blazed behind the Lesser Caucasus mountains whose slopes rim the western horizon. Buildings – now all in ruins – were built in the 20th-century. At the same time, several ancient burial mounds scattered around the surrounding fields attesting to millennia of a long-forgotten history.

In the village cemetery, Orkhan saw an especially poignant scene. Two headstones separated by a narrow gulley drew his attention. The name on one grave was "Səringul Mürşüd qızı" (Seringul, daughter of Murshud). On another stone was written "Təyarə Mürşüd qızı", (Teyara, daughter of the same Murshud). They were daughters of Murshud Gahramanov, a villager. So Seringul and Teyara were sisters. At first, they were buried side by side - the sisters who were born and raised on the collective farm here were still together after their deaths. The ravine that separated them was formed much later. On April 12, 1994, trenches were dug inside the village cemetery by the Armenian occupiers who occupied the main part of the village.

As is known, the Armenians' attacks were ceased and the edge of Yusifjanli became a contact line, along which the First Karabakh War came to a "frozen" end. For over 25 years, this was a flashpoint on the edge of a dangerous no-mans-land combining minefields, unexploded ordinance, and the ever-present danger of crossfire. For those 25 years, the sisters remained on either side.

Məqalədə Azərbaycan əraziləri üzərində ərazi bütövlüyünün bərpasına da toxunulur. Qeyd edilir ki, 2020-ci ilin noyabr ayında 44 günlük İkinci Qarabağ müharibəsinə son qoyan razılaşma ilə Azərbaycan əvvəl itirdiyi bütün əraziləri geri aldı. Yusifcanlı da daxil olmaqla. Ağdam rayonunun xarabalığa çevrilmiş qalan hissəsində olduğu kimi, burada da minaların təmizlənməsi və 30 il əvvəl öz torpaqlarından didərgin düşmüş ailələrin geri dönməsi üçün tələb olunan böyük bir yenidənqurma layihəsinin ilk mərhələsinə start verilib: “Bu arada, əmin-amanlığın bərpası ilə qəbiristanlığı bölən səngər tezliklə doldurulacaq. Müharibənin izləri itdikcə Qəhrəmanov bacıları Səringül və Təyarə yenidən bir araya gələrək qovuşacaqlar.”

The article also touches on the restoration of the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. In November 2020, by the agreement that ended the 44-day war, Azerbaijan regained all the land it had previously lost, including Yusifjanli. As in the rest of the devastated Aghdam Region, the mine clearance of mines and the first stage of a massive rebuilding project that will be required for the eventual return of those families who were driven out three decades ago has begun.

"Meanwhile, with peace returned, the trench that divided the graveyard will soon be filled in. And as that scar of war disappears, so the Gahramanova sisters, Seringul and Teyara, will be reunited again."

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