Baku reacts to Armenian MFA's statement

Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry has reacted to the Armenian Foreign Ministry's statement, which allegedly claims that Azerbaijan escalates the situation on the border.

'First, let's clarify who issued this statement? It has been voiced by the Foreign Ministry of the occupying country, which illegally seized Azerbaijan's Nagorno Karabakh and surrounding regions and committed bloody ethnic cleansing against Azerbaijani people. Such statements belong to Armenia, whose armed forces deliberately kill our frontier servicemen guarding the internationally recognized borders of Azerbaijan,' MFA Spokesperson Leyla Abdullayeva told Report.

'We reiterate that the current status-quo created by the use of force and ethnic cleansing is completely opposed to the notion of security. The occupation of the Azerbaijani territories and Armenian armed forces' presence in those lands pose a major threat to Azerbaijan's security. Azerbaijan has always stood for the indivisibility and uniqueness of security. The withdrawal of the Armenian armed forces from the occupied territories of Azerbaijan, as well as the peaceful co-existence of Armenian and Azerbaijani people, are the determinants of building trust and rapprochement for the sake of security and the region's prosperity,' she said.

'The Armenian side must fully comprehend the reality and comply with the requirements of the international community, as well as the resolutions of the UN Security Council and other international organizations, which demand the complete, immediate and unconditional withdrawal from the occupied territories of Azerbaijan and the return of Azerbaijanis to their homes. Undoubtedly, Azerbaijan will restore justice and its territorial integrity within the internationally recognized borders,' Abdullayeva added. 

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