Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry: Name of editor-in-chief of Polish edition removed from black list

Citizen of the Republic of Poland, editor-in-chief of “Glob-Press” agency, Wlodzimiers Krzyzanowski addressed a letter to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs asking for a removal of his name from the “List of foreign citizens illegally visited the occupied territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan”, Report informs citing the press service of the Foreign Ministry of Azerbaijan.

In his letter Wlodzimiers Krzyzanowski emphasized his respect to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Azerbaijan within its internationally recognized borders, as well as to the rules and regulations in force in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan and also stressed that this visit in no way shall give a meaning of his disrespect to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan.

Wlodzimiers Krzyzanowski also underlined in his appeal that he was unaware of the consequences of the visit and he will refrain from such illegal visits in the future.

Appeal by the citizen of the Republic of Poland was appropriately considered and the decision was made to remove his name from the mentioned list.

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