Azerbaijani FM: As an aggressor, Armenia bears all responsibility for current situation

Baku. 28 March. REPORT.AZ/ On March 18, 2016, Personal Representative of the OSCE Chairman-in-Office Andrzej Kasprzyk as well as OSCE Chairmanship Special Representative and Minsk Group Co-Chairs have made a joint statement on March 21, 2016 regarding observance of the ceasefire during Novruz and Easter holidays. In accordance with the atmosphere of Novruz and Easter, Azerbaijani Defense Ministry immediately positively responded the call of the Personal Representative of the OSCE Chairman-in-Office. However, Armenian Defense Ministry expressed provocative adverse attitude in contrary to this call as well as officials of Armenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs made contradictory statements of military gamble nature distorting the essence of the negotiation process'.

Report informs, Spokesperson of Azerbaijani Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MIA) Hikmat Hajiyev said.

He stressed that Armenian side deliberately continued to exacerbate the situation on contact line of the troops and Azerbaijani-Armenian border as well as committing actions serving intensive ceasefire violations using heavy fire means. 

"As an aggressor, Armenia bears all responsibility for current situation", H.Hajiyev added. 

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