Azerbaijan starts certification of monuments in liberated areas

Patriotic War resulted in the historic victory of Azerbaijan over Armenian aggressors and liberation of our occupied lands, Mehman Ismayilov, Executive Director of the Foundation for the Propagation of Moral Values, told Report's Kalbajar correspondent that to protect and preserve the monuments in the liberated territories, the certification of the monuments has begun in the liberated territories to protect and preserve the.

"Armenians destroyed and plundered the monuments in these territories during the occupation period," he said.

Notably, Nagorno-Karabakh and surrounding areas were destroyed and appropriated by Armenians during the occupation.

Azerbaijan's destroyed and vandalized monuments belong to Islamic culture. Armenians destroyed these monuments en masse since they could not plunder them. There were epigraphic inscriptions in the Arabic alphabet on those monuments: mosques, tombstones, tombs, and shrines.

The plundered monuments are Christian religious complexes of Caucasian Albania, one of the ancient states of Azerbaijan and the Middle Ages. Many of these monuments have been changed, Armenianized in the name of restoration, and plundered by Armenians.

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