Armenians are violating international law: US military journalist

Armenians publicly announced that they would attack civilian targets and cause chaos to force Azerbaijan to allow them to maintain a position in the occupied territory.

US military journalist Ben Minik said to Report, commenting on the Armenian Armed Forces' new missile strikes on peaceful Azerbaijani cities far from the front line.

"Armenia is hell-bent on inflicting as much damage as possible on Azerbaijan. Taking out infrastructure is the first and primary goal during a war. This is an expected move, but they have gone beyond that and attacked women and children. It shows that the real target was not the occupied territories but an attempt at further expansion.

He also noted that the world needs to uphold UN resolutions and established boundaries and Azerbaijan's borders.
"The Armenians are violating international law by refusing to withdraw from Azerbaijan. The Minsk Group has been ineffective since it's inception. Changing the Co-chairs may work, but it may also prolong the current narrative. Minsk became more of a monitoring organization and less of an effective solution."

On October 11th at around 2 am, nine civilians were killed, 35 injured after missiles fired by Armenian armed forces at apartment buildings in the central part of Ganja, the second largest city of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

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