Activists continue protests on Shusha-Khankandi road for nearly one day chanting slogans through loudspeakers - VIDEO

The protests on the Shusha-Khankandi road, which are under the temporary control of Russian peacekeepers, have been going on for a day.

Report informs that the protest that started yesterday morning continued throughout the night.

The Azerbaijani activists and the representatives of NGOs who held a protest spent the night in tents set up in the area this evening.

Currently, the number of protestors is growing, and more social activists keep coming from Baku to the Shusha-Khankandi road.

The protestors are chanting through loudspeakers, “Volkov, answer!”, “Stop ecological terrorism!”.

The participants of the action said that they will continue their protests until the commander of the Russian peacekeeping forces temporarily stationed in some areas of the Karabakh economic region, Major General Andrey Volkov, arrives in the area.

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