28 years pass since occupation of Khojavend

It is the anniversary of the invasion of Khojavend, Report says.

On October 2, 1992, the Armenian Armed Forces occupied the Khojavend region of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

As a result of the capture, 1,723 houses were burnt in 10 villages inhabited by Azerbaijanis, and their property was looted, 47 industrial and 144 agricultural facilities were destroyed.

The occupiers ruined 17 educational institutions, four preschools, 32 healthcare facilities, 59 cultural facilities and ten historical monuments, 12 communication junctions, 341 km of roads, 32 bridges, 42 reservoirs, and 316 km of water pipelines belonging to the region's infrastructure.

Along with the material and moral damage, the region's vegetation and forest cover were severely damaged. Thus, the enemy has demolished valuable tree species in 1,202 hectares of the Khojavend forest area.

As a result of the Armenian attack on the village of Garadagli, which was under siege for four months, 77 people were killed, and 110 villagers were taken as hostages. Later, 49 of them were brutally murdered.

In total, 145 Khojavend residents died, including 13 women and 13 children, more than 300 people lost their health or became disabled, 243 children lost one of their parents, and 68 women lost their spouses. Three children from the same family lost both parents.

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