World’s whitest paint earns Guinness World Records title

In a breakthrough invention, scientists at Purdue University, Indiana, US, have created the whitest paint in the world that could dramatically reduce or even eliminate the need for air conditioning, Report informs referring to

The invention of the whitest paint, aimed to counter global warming, had earned the prestigious Guinness World Records title, which will appear in the 2022 edition. The whitest paint ever went for sale starting Sept. 16.

Researchers partnered with a company to scale up the paint and put it on the market after the Patent applications were filed through the Purdue Research Foundation Office of Technology Commercialization.

Xiulin Ruan, a professor of mechanical engineering at Purdue, invented the paint with a team of graduate students, with the aim that the paint had to be really reflective and extraordinarily white to bounce back 98.1 percent of solar radiation from homes and at the same time emit the infrared heat.

The typical commercial white paint available in the market actually gets warmer than cooler, the researchers revealed, adding that these paints reflect only 80-90 percent of sunlight and can’t make surfaces cooler than their surroundings.

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