Working group on North-South transport corridor convenes in Baku

Baku. 7 November. REPORT.AZ/ The quadripartite meeting of the working group on development of the North-South International Transport Corridor in the west direction has today started in Baku between railway administrations of Azerbaijan, Russia, Belarus and Iran.

The meeting was attended by Deputy Chairman of the Board of Azerbaijan Railways (AR) Iqbal Huseynov, Vice-president of Russian Railways Vyacheslav Pavlovski, First Deputy Chairman of Belarus Railways Igor Shilov and Member of the Board of Directors of the Iranian Railways Huseyn Ashuri.

The meeting discusses the forming of coordinated tariff policy on Belarus-Russia-Azerbaijan-Iran route and applying competitive tariffs for carriages, exploring the transportation of wagons and containers via North-South International Transport Corridor, in the direction of Belarus-Russia-Azerbaijan-Iran, for using of carriages in the park, and the possibility of involving the carriages of the investor's park into this route and other issues are discussed.

Signing of relevant documents is expected at the end of two-day event.

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