Possibilities for cargo transit along Middle Corridor considered in Seoul

Multimodal logistics operator KTZ Express JSC, a subsidiary of NC Kazakhstan Temir Zholy JSC, and the largest Chinese companies China Railway Container Transport Co., Ltd (CRCT) and Lianyungang Port Group (LPG) discussed issues of transit transportation from China in Seoul, Report informs referring to the press service of KTZ Express JSC.

“The working meeting in Seoul was organized by the Chinese companies CRCT and LPG. The key focus of this meeting is to discuss the optimization of the rail transportation process, as well as the development of transit transportation from China,” reads the statement.

On behalf of KTZ Express JSC, Deputy General Director for Logistics Aibek Kapar took part in the event.

“Kapar introduced the participants to the current possibilities for the transit of goods through the territory of Kazakhstan, paying special attention to the conditions of transportation along the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route (Middle Corridor),” the company noted.

As a result of the meeting, an agreement was reached on the implementation of transit transportation of spare automotive parts from South Korea to the countries of Central Asia.

“KTZ Express, together with CRCT and the automobile concerns Hyundai and General Motors, plan to begin deliveries in the near future,” the statement says.

The Trans-Caspian International Transport Route is an international transport corridor running through China, Kazakhstan, the Caspian Sea, Azerbaijan, Georgia and further to Türkiye and European countries.

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