Japan Premium House to open in Baku

Azerbaijani Economy Minister Mikayil Jabbarov has met with Japanese Ambassador to Azerbaijan Junichi Wada, Report informs referring to the Ministry of Economy.

Jabbarov noted that Azerbaijan attaches great importance to the development of relations with Japan, expansion of economic cooperation between the two countries. He said that the priority areas of cooperation are the digital economy and the use of technologies of the fourth industrial revolution, the exchange of experience in the field of digitalization, energy, etc.

It was noted at the meeting that the projects to create the Azerbaijan Trade House in Tokyo and the Japan Premium House in Baku will make a significant contribution to the development of bilateral trade and economic cooperation. It was noted that the organization of business forums, trade missions, as well as participation in exhibitions can become favorable mechanisms for establishing direct contacts between business circles and developing cooperation.

Junichi Wada spoke about the events to be held within the Year of Azerbaijan-Japan Friendship in 2022 and expressed confidence in the further strengthening of Azerbaijan-Japan ties.

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