Expert: Why should Georgia think about Armenia’s interests?

The opening of a railway line between Russia and Armenia through the occupied Abkhazia Autonomous Republic doesn’t in any way meet the interests of Georgia, Political scientist Tengiz Tkhilava said in an interview with the Georgian bureau of Report.

He noted that Georgia doesn’t have cargo that could be transported along this route.

"The transportation of goods from Russia to Armenia is carried out by trucks through Georgia," he added.

The expert believes that Georgia cannot but take into account the interests of Armenia and transport problems.

"Armenia categorically doesn’t take into account the interests of Georgia. Why should Georgia think about the interests of Armenia? Each time Armenia votes in the UN against the document providing for the return of refugees to Abkhazia. Also, there is a Russian military base on Armenian territory, which is actually in a state of war with Georgia. First of all, let the Armenian leadership think a little about Georgia’s interests, and then we will talk about whether Georgia takes into account the interests of Armenia," he noted.

Tkhilava added that if Armenia wants to establish a railway connection with Russia, it can participate in new regional infrastructure projects that emerged after the end of the war.

"The railway line, which is planned to be laid through Azerbaijan to Russia, is short, and this project can facilitate Armenia’s involvement in the region’s economic infrastructure," he said.

The political scientist noted that the Abkhazia Autonomous Republic would join regional projects within Georgia only after liberation from the occupation.

"I am sure that as part of the new regional platforms, the creation of which is proposed, no other country, except Russia, will cooperate with Abkhazia bypassing Georgia," he said.

The ‘parliament’ of the separatist regime in Abkhazia, having sent an appeal to the State Duma of Russia, expressed its readiness to participate in the project to create a railway link between Russia and Armenia through the occupied region.

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