China to actively participate in construction and use of Middle Corridor

China is ready to actively participate in the construction and use of the Trans-Caspian International Transport Corridor (TITR or Middle Corridor).

According to Report, this was reflected in the "Joint Declaration the Republic of Azerbaijan and the People’s Republic of China on the establishment of a strategic partnership” adopted on July 3 within the framework of the Summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in Astana.

“China expresses its readiness to actively participate in the construction and use of the Trans-Caspian International Transport Corridor (“Middle Corridor”), work more closely with Azerbaijan and other countries along the route to jointly facilitate the uninterrupted operation and accelerated development of the southern corridor for China-Europe freight trains and in the opposite direction, create favorable prerequisites for deepening regional practical cooperation, jointly ensure the safety and stability of production and supply chains,” reads the declaration.

The Middle Corridor, operational since 2014, spans from China through Kazakhstan, the Caspian Sea, Azerbaijan, and Georgia, ultimately reaching Türkiye and European countries. In 2023, cargo transportation on this route amounted to approximately 2.8 million tons—an 86% increase compared to 2022. Anticipated cargo volume for 2024 exceeds 4 million tons. By year-end, around 250 container block trains are scheduled to traverse the Middle Corridor. Additionally, starting in June, container block trains will run from the ports of Lianyungan and Xi’an to Baku

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