BTK carries 11,084 TEU containers this year 

In June 2021, 222 containers were carried within the TURKUAZ project, Report informs, citing ADY Container, a subsidiary of Azerbaijan Railways.

In the reporting period, 82 containers were transported from Azerbaijan to Turkey, of which 72 were 45-foot, while ten were 20-foot. Totally, 2,214 tons of cargo were carried from Azerbaijan to Turkey via TURKUAZ trains during the reporting period.

Within this project, 3,780 tons of cargo in 140 containers were from Turkey to Azerbaijan last month. 118 of these containers were 20-foot, 22 containers – 45-foot.
Regular container transportation between Turkey and Azerbaijan also affected the freightage via Baku-Tbilisi-Kars (BTK). So in the six months of 2021, BTK carried 11,084 containers.

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