BTA: Baku creates next Transportation Exchange Center

Baku. 4 January.REPORT.AZ/ The work on establishment of Darnagul Transportation Exchange Center has been completed. Spokesperson of Baku Transportation Agency (BTA) Mais Aghayev told Report.

He said the asphalt surface and pavement for pedestrians have been repaired, road signs and marking installed in the area of Transportation Exchange Center around Darnagul station. Five new bus stop have been installed. 112 buses operating on 11 routes are expected to serve passengers every day.

In near future, the last stop of bus routes arriving from surrounding villages and settlements at “Azadlig prospekti” metro station will be moved to the new center. The aim is to prevent the chaos during rush hours and density of transportation.

Currently Koroğlu, 28 May and Lokbatan Transportation Exchange Centers operate in Baku. In accordance with concept prepared by Baku Transportation Agency on establishment of Transportation Exchange Centers, the following such center is planned to be established near Baku International Bus Terminal.

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