Baku to host World Habitat Day

A decision to hold World Habitat Day 2023 in Baku was made at the 2nd session of the UN Habitat held in Kenyan capital Nairobi.

Report informs, citing the State Committee for Urban Planning, that, according to the Protocol signed on June 8, 2023 between Anar Guliyev, Chairman of the State Committee for Urban Planning and Architecture and Maimunah Mohd Sharif, Executive Director of UN-Habitat, this important international event will be held in the capital of Azerbaijan on October 2.

According to the resolution of the UN General Assembly in 1985, World Habitat Day is celebrated annually in one of the countries to promote affordable and high-quality urban life and serves as a global platform for discussing the problems of sustainable urban development.

The main topic of this year's World Habitat Day will be a discussion of issues related to sustainable urban economies and the role of cities as centers of development.

As part of the Urban Planning Week, which includes the World Habitat Day, Azerbaijan will also host the Second National Urban Planning Forum and a number of other events, which will be attended by officials and experts from dozens of countries, which will provide the opportunity for representatives of international and non-governmental organizations to exchange experience on these topics.

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