Azersu mulls water problems with US lab

An online meeting on modern problems in the water sector was held between Azersu OJSC and the Water Sciences Laboratory at the University of Nebraska.

Specialists from Azersu, the Central Laboratory and the Sukanal Scientific-Research and Design Institute attended the meeting, Report informs, citing Azersu.

The meeting discussed the problems in the water sector caused by climate change. It was noted that in many countries worldwide, people suffer from drought and water scarcity. Therefore, government agencies, national and international organizations and companies engaged in the exploitation of water resources must look for solutions to meet the growing demand for water in the world.

Taking into account the establishment of sustainable drinking water systems in Azerbaijan and meeting the population's drinking water needs, the next meeting is planned to discuss the projects to be implemented in our country.

One of the core activities of the University of Nebraska is to support the development of new water researchers through training programs, professional development, internships, and scholarships, as well as to train water researchers and engineers. Taking all this into account, involving other scientific institutions, including universities, in this project is considered expedient. For this purpose, negotiations were held with Baku State University.

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