Azerbaijani MP proposes to establish customs and border posts on Khankandi road

Azerbaijan should establish customs and border posts on the Khankandi road, MP Ali Masimli said at the plenary session of the Milli Majlis, Report informs.

"We must inform the countries and organizations demanding the opening of the Lachin-Khankandi road that Azerbaijan is not a road blocker but a state that builds and creates roads in the territories that Armenia has turned into ruins, brings peace and security to the South Caucasus with its victory, and opens new opportunities for cooperation. The peaceful action on the Lachin-Shusha highway is a direct protest of the Azerbaijani people's dissatisfaction with the continuing provocations and looting by the Armenian side and the peacekeepers' activities. Since the peacekeepers have not fulfilled their duties within the framework of the November 10 tripartite declaration, we must organize our customs and border posts in the Lachin corridor," MP said.

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