Azerbaijan, Iran discuss increasing number of Baku-Nakhchivan buses via Iran

A meeting between the Azerbaijani and Iranian delegations was held during the visit of the Iranian Minister of Roads and Urban Development Rostam Ghasemi to Azerbaijan, Report informs, citing the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport.

Azerbaijan was represented by Deputy Prime Minister Shahin Mustafayev, Minister of Digital Development and Transport Rashad Nabiyev, and other officials.

The parties discussed the increase in the daily number of buses operating on the regular Baku-Nakhchivan-Baku bus route, the reduction of taxes for transit carriers through Iran to the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic and back to mainland Azerbaijani, the annulment of duties applied to per liter of fuel in the fuel tank for vehicles leaving Iran and other topical issues pertaining to the road transport.

At the same time, the parties agreed to start practical work on the construction of a new road bridge over the Astarachay River and to intensify the work at the Astara Terminal Complex.

At the meeting, a protocol of the first December 7, 2021 meeting of the joint working group on the construction of a new road bridge over the Astarachay River was signed. The protocol was signed by Azerbaijani Deputy Minister of Digital and Transport Rahman Humbatov and Iranian Deputy Minister of Roads and Urban Development Kheirollah Khademi.

After the meeting, the Azerbaijani and Iranian delegations left for Astara to get acquainted with the work done on the scene.

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