Armenians destroyed all equipment at Sugovushan hydro junction

As a result of the release of water to Tartarchay from the reservoir of Sugovushan, which was liberated from occupation on October 3 by the glorious Azerbaijani Army, water was supplied to Tartar, Goranboy, Barda, and Yevlakh regions. In short, new life has come to the lands that have been without water because of Armenian ecological terror for almost 30 years, said Emil Hajiyev, head of the Tartarchay Hydro-Junction Operation Department of the Amelioration and Water Management OJSC.

According to Report, after the liberation of Sugovushan village, the Tartarchay Hydro-Junction Operation Department employees inspected the reservoir. He noted that the Armenian fascists had destroyed all the hydro-technical and electrical equipment that provided water management at the hydro junction.

"However, this does not discourage meliorators because we are confident that soon, as a result of the attention and care of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, the Sugovushan hydro junction and the Tartarchay irrigation system will be restored and made better than before. The Sugovushan irrigation complex and other water facilities that will be liberated from occupation will be repaired, land and water will be given to users. The land of Karabakh is fertile. Abundant crops have always been taken from these lands. After that, we will get more from here," Hajiyev said.

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