Arkady Zlochevsky: 'Azerbaijan's transit facilities are of strategic and fundamental importance for Russia'

"We are interested in the potential of exporting our food products to the world countries by using the transit facilities of Azerbaijan to Iran's Bandar Abbas and other ports," Arkady Zlochevsky, the president of the Russian Grain Union, told Report on the sidelines of the XII International Grain Trade Conference "Global Grain Outlook 2022" in Baku.

"We understand that this route is very important for the export of Russian resources. This year, a record amount of grain products was produced in our country. In such circumstances, organizing new routes to deliver this product to consumers is an extremely important issue. This conference is an important platform for tackling existing problems, finding ways to solve them, and defining future goals," Zlochevsky said.

He said he wants to study export opportunities to Azerbaijan and neighboring countries within the framework of the conference.

The president of the Russian Grain Union emphasized that the modern transit railway infrastructure created in the territory of Azerbaijan is of strategic and fundamental importance.

Zlochevsky also admitted that the strengthening of the Russian ruble creates certain difficulties for producers and exporters.

"Although the strengthening ruble demotivates exports, it should be understood that this is temporary. We are just waiting and hoping that the situation will improve shortly,” he said.

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