Mikayil Jabbarov: Nearly $60 million invested in industrial zones in Karabakh

Investment in the industrial zones in the liberated territories has reached 100 million manats ($58.82 million), Economy Minister Mikayil Jabbarov told ITV channel, Report informs.

The minister said there are currently two economic zones in the liberated territories: "These are Aghdam Industrial Park and Araz Valley Economic Zone Industrial Park."

Jabbarov noted that 12 residents and three non-residents were registered in Agdam Industrial Park: "About 700 jobs are planned to be created here. According to the master plan of Aghdam, attention will be focused on the construction of residential areas and infrastructure in 2023. The industrial park will play an essential role in achieving the goal of providing employment to our compatriots upon their return."

Moreover, according to him, two residents have been registered in Araz Valley Economic Zone, located in Jabrayil district, and it is planned to register several more residents soon: "It is planned to create 250 jobs here."

Jabbarov emphasized that these projects are implemented by private sector: "The total investment in these projects has reached 100 million manats ($58.82). These are approved projects."

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