AzerGold ceaselessly continues production

AzerGold CJSC continues production under the requirements and recommendations of the Operational Headquarters, Press Secretary of AzerGold CJSC Ariz Tarverdiyev told Report.

‘As you know, according to the decision of the Operational Headquarters under the Cabinet of Ministers, some facilities and special enterprises continue to operate uninterruptedly. AzerGold CJSC is also among these facilities and continues production under the requirements and recommendations of the Operational Headquarters,’ he said.

According to him, AzerGold, which has been operating in profit since it was launched, successfully continues to work: ‘Both sale and production were overfulfilled. As a result, despite a suspension of exports due to limitations on regular flights over the coronavirus, there are material resources for the continuation of production and other activities in full capacity for a certain period.’

“AzerGold” Closed Joint-Stock Company was established according to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr. Ilham Aliyev № 1047 dated February 11, 2015.

The main objective of the Company is the study, research, exploration, management of non-ferrous metal ore deposits, as well as extraction, processing, and sale of precious and non-ferrous metals, implementation of new technologies in this field, modernization and efficient use of the material and technical base, performance of other activities related to the development of the industry.

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