AzerGold attracts over $109M to Azerbaijani economy

Azerbaijan’s AzerGold CJSC held an online meeting dedicated to the results of last year and the challenges ahead for the current year, Report informs citing the press service of the company.

Chairman of the board of AzerGold Zakir Ibrahimov said at the meeting that the structure had fulfilled the activity plan for 2020. Despite the difficulties caused by the pandemic, the tasks set last year were fully completed.

He noted that in 2020, the company's extraction and production indicators exceeded the plan and the results of 2019. Thus due to the export of gold and silver produced by AzerGold CJSC to the world market, the Azerbaijani economy received funds worth 186.5 million manats ($109.7 million).

AzerGold said that it continued activities on commissioning new deposits in the Azerbaijani regions last year and increasing economic efficiency. To develop new fields and ensure the sustainability of the achieved favorable economic growth rates with higher dynamics, the company successfully implemented the emission of bonds for $20 million that were put into circulation for the first time.

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