Azerbaijan posts 55% growth in export of goods from industrial zones 

In 9 months of 2022, compared to the relevant period of 2021, the production of goods in industrial zones increased by 41.5% and reached more than 2.1 billion manats ($1.24 billion), Minister of Economy Mikayil Jabbarov wrote on Twitter, Report informs.

According to him, the export of those goods grew by 55.3% and equaled 846.1 million manats ($497.71 million).

“During this period, the special share of industrial zones in the manufacturing of non-oil industrial products was 16.6% and 33.3% in exports. So far, products worth over 8 billion manats ($4.71 billion) have been manufactured in industrial zones, whilst goods worth 2.6 billion manats ($1.53 billion) have been exported,” the minister tweeted.

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