Azerbaijani judokas retain world ranking leadership

Baku. 5 December. REPORT.AZ/ International Judo Federation (IJF) has published a new rating table.

Report informs referring to the IJF, silver medalists at Summer Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro in 2016 Rustam Orujov (73 kg) and Elmar Gasimov (100 kg) are still leading in their weight categories.

After defeating all rivals, both judokas took first place in the league table.

Silver medalist at the European Championships Orkhan Safarov 60 kg is in the second stage. Nijat Shikhalizade at 66 kg dropped by 2 points and settled at 12th place.

Elkhan Mammadov (100 kg), Ilgar Mushkiyev (60 kg), Mammadali Mehdiyev (90 kg), took 7, 14 and 20 places respectively.

Heavyweight judoka Ushangi Kokauri stands on the 18th place of the rating table.

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