Two teens arrested for theft in Baku

Baku. 5 September. REPORT.AZ/ Two people were arrested for theft in Sabail and Yasamal districts. Report informs referring to MIA, as the result of the investigation carried out by the employees of the 9th Department of Sabail District Police Office, the resident of Baku city 12 years old boy (N.T.) was arrested for theft of money, notebook, documents and make ups from the residents of Baku Shahmar Gahramanov’s, Rustam Huseynov’s, Malahat Rzyev’s and Ilaha Aliyeva’s cars. As the result of the investigation carried out by the employees of the 26th Department of Yasamal District Police Office, the resident of Baku 13 years old boy (R.G.) was arrested for theft of money, jewelry, fuel, documents and mobile phone from Zaur Mirzayev’s, Vagif Verdiyev’s, Elchin Ismayilov’s cars; money, tobacco and food products from Rauf Aliyev’s and Tarana Hasanova’s shops; jewelry from Azer Hasanov’s house, however, Samir Mammadov’s bicycle.

Detainees are the minors so The Ministry of internal Affairs did not report about their identities.

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