Trial of ex-head of Jalilabad District to start in 2022

A trial on the criminal case of the former head of the Jalilabad District executive authorities, Namig Zeynalov, is to start soon.

Report informs that the criminal case will be considered under the chairmanship of the judge of the Lankaran Grave Crimes Court, Xammad Nuriyev.

A preparatory court hearing will take place on January 6, 2022.

N. Zeynalov was detained in December last year during a special operation carried out in the Jalilabad District executive authorities.

He is being charged under Articles 179.2.2, 179.2.3, 179.2.4 (misappropriation or embezzlement committed repeatedly; using his official position; causing significant damage), 308.2 (abuse of office, entailing grave consequences), 311.3.3 (obtaining bribes on a large scale), 311.3.2 (repeated bribe-taking), 313 (official forgery) of the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan.

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