Traffic police address women drivers in Baku

Baku. 9 December.REPORT.AZ/ Baku City State Traffic Office addressed women drivers. The head of department of BCSTPO, Vagif Asadov said to Report that 16 women drivers disobeyed to traffice police's sign of lawful possession during the raids conducted within the last week: "All drivers must follow the law. While examining the administrative records, we revealed that women drivers were also brought to account. In comparison, women drivers use safety belts more than men. However, speaking on mobile phones while driving or other actions that may distract attention are more typical characters for women drivers. Non- complying with the legal requirements of the police is often observed. If we consider last week's reports made by our employees, we can witness that 16 women drivers attached no importance to the police's "stop" sign during servicing in the area on the right-dislocation. Those drivers will be identified and brought to account. I would like to address women drivers and say that while driving a car you are not lady but drivers and you must comply with all the instructions of the traffic police."

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