Report's five-year activity: achievements and future plans - REPORTAGE FROM JUBILEE EVENT

Report information agency has celebrated the fifth anniversary of its activity.

Report informs that the event on this occasion was attended by Deputy Chief of the Public Policy Department at the Azerbaijan Presidential Administration Vugar Aliyev, Chairman of the Press Council, MP Aflatun Amashov, MPs Tahir Karimli, Nagif Hamzayev, spokespersons of state structures, head coach of the Azerbaijan national football team Nikola Jurcevic, editors-in-chief of websites and newspapers.

A video in connection with Report's fifth anniversary was demonstrated in the beginning.

Opening the ceremony, General Director of Report Information Agency Anar Askerov welcomed the guests and provided information about the five-year activity of the agency. He noted that over the past period Report attained the set goal: "Today Report Information Agency is turning five. I would like to thank each of you participating in this event. Our main goal set five years ago was to turn into the main source of reference for our country's public and media. I consider that five years are quite enough to evaluate the reputation of any brand. The analytical researches and surveys, that we undertook, show that we, as Report Information Agency, managed to attain most of our goals successfully!"

Anar Askerov noted that the agency has bigger goals ahead. "Report has numerous formulae of success, and I would like to declare the main one: the team of Report Information Agency. We could overcome a very long path successfully owing to this grandiose team that we formed within those years. Probably, had there been for other teams, or other people, we could have never overcome that path. We managed to do this in a very short period of time. Therefore, taking the advantage of this occasion, I would like to congratulate all employees of Report. This is our greatest success. We have other goals ahead, too.

"Starting this year, our goal will be to promote Report in the Caucasus and Europe as the news producer and international agency. By the way, I would like to say that with our big team will start operating in Georgia from November 1. This will be a great success for us. The past five years have become a university, a higher school for us, while our international expertise will be our graduate thesis. Thank you for coming to this event."

Report's Editor-in-Chief Murad Aliyev said that freedom of speech and favorable conditions created for development of independent press are the factors promoting Report's activity. "Relying on this support and conditions, Report's team will continue to bring Azerbaijan's realities to the world attention and inform the public about the reforms held in our country."

Deputy chief of the public policy department at the Azerbaijan Presidential Administration Vugar Aliyev thanked Report's team and spoke about the successful activity of the agency.

He noted the role of Report's leadership and professional staff in the agency's success and added that all the same the concept of success of any agency is based on the democratic atmosphere in the country, freedom of speech and conditions created by the state for media development.

He noted that ensuring freedom of speech and media in Azerbaijan, the development of independent media, and the provision of comprehensive state support for this development were the basic principles underlying the policy of national leader Heydar Aliyev.

"At the same time, the steps taken by President Ilham Aliyev towards the development of the Azerbaijani media during his presidency are truly commendable. Strengthening the material and technical base of the media, making the Azerbaijani media anniversaries a tradition, honoring hundreds of journalists with state awards, enhancing the social protection of media representatives, improving the living conditions of the media and other issues are the bright examples of this.

"President Ilham Aliyev is a true friend of journalists. As a result of this policy, Report and other media agencies today have their say both in Azerbaijan's information space and in the global media space, and are chosen for their patriotism and professionalism, and play an important role in shaping new journalism."

Chairman of the Press Council, MP Aflatun Amashov in his speech congratulated the staff of Report and spoke about the success of the agency: "Report was created before our eyes. This agency has worked so extensively for over 5 years that it is quite natural for it to have such an anniversary. Report has positioned itself in the information system of Azerbaijan since its inception. This is a noteworthy point," he said.

Amashov noted that the Press Council awarded diplomas on the success of the Report Information Agency and its 5th anniversary. He presented the Council's diploma to the agency's Editor-in-Chief, Murad Aliyev.

The congratulatory letter of the Chief of the Main Police Office of Baku, Major General of Police Mirgafar Seyidov addressed to Report's team was also read out at the event. The letter was delivered to the participants of the ceremony by Spokesperson, Police Major Elshad Hajiyev.

In his congratulatory letter, Seyidov noted that the agency was taking an objective approach to the activities of the capital city police, noting that he highly appreciated it and congratulated the staff of Report on the 5th anniversary.

The awarding ceremony was then held.

Report's management awarded the team for their contribution to the agency's leading position in the media space. Chairman of the Press Council Aflatun Amashov presented the awards to the editors and employees of the Agency's Internal Policy Department.

Representatives of a number of state structures also presented their awards to Report.

In the end, the event continued with a concert program, where famous singers took to the stage and sang songs.

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