Mine and artillery shells found in Absheron

Mine and artillery shells were found in Absheron, the press service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations (MES) told Report.

It is noted that Hotline 112 of the Ministry of Emergency Situations received information about the discovery of ammunition in the Gushchulug residential area of Khirdalan city in Absheron District.

A group of pyrotechnicians from the Special Risk Rescue Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations was immediately dispatched to the scene.

During the inspection of the scene, pyrotechnicians found a 122-mm OF-56 artillery shell, one 82-mm OF-832 mortar shell, and one 122-mm BK-m shell.

The shells were removed from the territory for subsequent disposal.

During additional searches in the specified territory and adjacent areas, no other dangerous or suspicious items were found.

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