Judgements of court experts on Nardaran detainees delivered to Fuad Gahramanli

Baku. 30 March. REPORT.AZ/ Today investigative activities have been carried out in regard with Deputy Chairman of Popular Front Party of Azerbaijan (PFPA) Fuad Gahramanli, who is kept in Baku Investigative Prison.

Report was told by Nemat Karimli, advocate of F.Gahramanli.

According to the advocate, experts' decisions and opinions on other persons accused of the mentioned incident (persons accused during Nardaran incidents) delivered to F.Gahramanli: 'Fuad Gahramanli refused to sign these decisions and opinions as they had no relation with him'.

Notably, PFPA Deputy Chairman Fuad Gahramanli interrogated at Grave Crimes Investigation Department of the Prosecutor General's Office on December 8. Then, the Investigation Department made a presentation to Nasimi District Court to choose preventive measure on F.Gahramanli. In accordance with court decision, 3 months preventive measure was chosen on him.

F.Gahramanli is accused of Article 281.1 (challenges against state authority) and Article 283.2.1 (challenges instilling religious, racial, and social hatred) of Criminal Code. 

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