Former navy commander of Azerbaijan released for probation

Baku. 17 March. REPORT.AZ/ Court process on criminal case of former navy commander, vice-admiral Shahin Sultanov and other persons have been completed at administrative building of Nasimi district court.

Report informs, the hearing chaired by Baku Military Court judge Habib Hasanov sentenced S.Sultanov to 8 year and 6 months in prison. The sentence was replaced with 3 years of probation.

Notably, public prosecutor demanded for S.Sultanov 13 years in prison.

According to information spread by office of military prosecutor, Shahin Sultanov accused of wrongdoing, was jailed for 3 months on April 23, 2015 by decision of Baku Military Court.

S.Sultanov and other suspects were accused by Clauses 313 (official forgery) and 179.3.2 (appropriation - in large amount) of Criminal Code. The judge decided to replace prison sentence with house arrest and he was released from prison. 

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