Azerbaijani police to shift to tightened mode on holidays

Baku. 27 December. REPORT.AZ/ In connection with the World Azerbaijanis Solidarity Day and the New Year, the personnel of the internal affairs bodies of the republic will shift to a tightened mode of work from December 29, 2018 to January 3, 2019.

Report informs citing the press service of the Internal Affairs that Interior Minister, Colonel-General Ramil Usubov has issued a relevant decree. According to the decree, in connection with 31 December - the World Azerbaijanis Solidarity Day and the New Year holidays, the personnel of all the bodies and departments of the ministry will carry out their service activities in a tightened mode to ensure a better and safer protection of public order and security. The number of police warrants will be increased where mass events, including festive events, are organized. All forces and facilities will be mobilized to ensure the public order and traffic safety in the country, including roads. The protection of strategic objects, including diplomatic missions of foreign countries, will also be under strict control ahead of holidays.

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