Azerbaijani co-author of the 'Red Book' dies

Baku. 24 February. REPORT.AZ/ A former director of the Botanical Garden of Azerbaijan National Academy of Science (ANAS), Doctor of Biological Sciences, a corresponding member of ANAS, Oruj Ibadli died. Report informs, he was died at the age of 76.

O.Ibadli is one of the co-authors of "Red Book" and VI, IX, Xvolumes of Azerbaijan Soviet Encyclopedia.

The Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Central Botanical Garden, a member of Baku Agro-Art Council, Scientific and Methodological Council of the National Seaside Park, the Scientific Council of the Institute of Forestry, Defense Council of ANAS Institute of Botany, the editorial board of "Science and Life" magazine, O.Ibadli was a corresponding member of ANAS in 2007.

In connection with the 60th anniversary of the Academy, he was awarded with the Order of "Progress" and ANAS's certificates of honor due to his scientific achievements many times. In addition, he was awarded with the certificates by various scientific, public and government organizations.

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