Ali Karimli's assistant released - PHOTO

Baku. 15 September. REPORT.AZ/ Today, court hearing on the appeal against the judgment on PFPA chairman assistant, fnancial director of "Azadlig" (Freedom) newspaper, Faig Amirli was completed at the Baku Court of Appeal.

Report informs, the decision was announced in the hearing.

According to the decision, F. Amirli was released.

Notably, F. Amirli was detained on August 20 last year. He was charged with Article 283.1 of the Criminal Code (the actions directed on excitation of national, racial or religious hostility, humiliation of national advantage, as well as actions directed on restriction of citizens rights, or establishment of the superiority of citizens on the basis of their national or racial belonging, creeds committed publicly or with use of mass media). He was detained as a suspect for 48 hours.

Then, he was accused of Article 168.1 of the Criminal Code (creation of group which are carrying out activity under pretext of distribution of religious faiths and implementation of religious activities and by this illegally interfere in social order, or harming health of citizens or breaking rights of citizens irrespective form infringement, and also distracting citizens from performance of duties provided by the law and as well as a management of such group or participation in it).

Books by Fethullah Gulen, lider of Fethullahist Terrorist Organization (FETO) have been found in his car.

F. Amirli was sentenced to 3 years and 3 months imprisonment by the judgment of the Sabail District Court. The civil suit of the Ministry of Taxes was satisfied against him, 39,000 manat debt to the state mentioned in the verdict. 

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