Yuval Harari: AI to help better explore space

With the help of artificial intelligence (AI), it will be much easier to explore space and colonize the galaxy, said Israeli military historian and medievalist, author of the international bestseller "Sapiens: A Brief History of Humanity" Yuval Harari at the opening ceremony of the 74th International Astronautical Congress held in Baku, Report informs.

He noted that full-fledged human exploration of space has always been limited.

Human exploration of space has always been strictly limited by the fact that humans are organic beings and, over billions of years of evolution, have been adapted to the unique conditions of this planet, he added. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to keep a person or any other organic being alive in space or on another planet, while artificial intelligence has no such restrictions, Harari said.

The Israeli historian noted that the development of artificial intelligence may potentially help humanity.

AI may not only help explore other planets, but also protect the ecosystem of planet Earth, as well as provide much better medical care and increase the standard of living, he added.

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