Winners of mini-football championship organized by Bakcell visit Manchester

Baku. 27 February. REPORT.AZ/ The winners of the mini-football championship organized by Bakcell, the First Mobile Operator and the Leading Mobile Internet Provider of Azerbaijan, during the “BakuTel 2016” exhibition visited Manchester from February 10 to February 13 in 2017.

Report was informed in the Bakcell, during the trip Nijat Gapanchizada, Ismayıl İsmayılzada and Anar Mammadov had the opportunity to see Manchester United – Watford match, join the tour to Old Trafford and get familiarized with the history of the football club while visiting the club museum with organizational support of club officials.

“The trip was unusual and quite interesting. It was a new experience for me. I got acquainted with new places and new people, and returned with amazing memories. Old Trafford stadium is indeed magnificent. I’ve seen with my eyes that it is a theatre of dreams and I’d love to experience that feeling again. I want to thank Bakcell for giving me this chance”, Ismayıl İsmayılzada said.

“It is really hard for me to put this once-in-a-lifetime experience into words. It was really interesting and extraordinary. I’d like to express my special gratitude to Bakcell”, Nijat Gapanchizada noted.

“It was a memorable and wonderful trip. I want to thank everyone who had inputs in the organization of this trip. Thank you, Bakcell!”,Anar Mammadov said.

As a sponsor of Azerbaijani national football and the first official telecommunications and broadcast partner of FC Manchester United in all CIS countries, Bakcell supports the projects aimed at the development and promotion of football in the country under the partnership with Association of Football Federations of Azerbaijan. 

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