WHO official explains reasons for growth in Azerbaijan’s COVID-19 cases

In recent days, Europe has seen a decline in coronavirus cases. However, Azerbaijan has recorded an increase in the number of infections following the easing of several restrictions.

A representative of the World Health Organization (WHO) in Azerbaijan, Hande Harmanci, made the remarks at a briefing of the Task Force under the Cabinet of Ministers on June 4.

“The growth occurred especially after the opening of the subway, large shopping centers, and following the recent measures to relax restrictions,” said the WHO official.

Harmanci said that after the vaccine is developed, all steps will be taken to make it accessible. “Until then, we must strictly follow the precautionary measures,” she added.

As many as 262 people have been diagnosed with the novel coronavirus, while 72 others recovered in Azerbaijan as of June 4.

So far, Azerbaijan has 6,522 confirmed cases. A total of 3,737 patients have recovered from the disease, while 78 others died. The treatment of 2,707 people (64 are in critical, 75 moderate, others in stable condition) is underway.

On June 3, Azerbaijan reported a record daily spike in coronavirus cases (325).

The government will impose a weekend curfew in Baku, Sumgayit, Ganja, Lankaran cities and Absheron region on June 6-8, to slow down the spread of coronavirus.

Activities in all areas of service, as well as the movement of transport (except for special-purpose cars, emergency vehicles, ambulances, and service automobiles of organizations authorized to operate) in four cities and Absheron region, will be halted from 00:00 on June 6 to 06:00 am on June 8.

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