WHO: Crisis of global solidarity key problem in fighting pandemic

The lack of proper solidarity in the world is the central problem of the COVID-19 pandemic. Report informs, citing TASS that Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO) Tedros Ghebreyesus said this at the WHO special session that opened in Geneva (November 29 - December 1) on the topic of preparing for new pandemics.

"At its core, the current pandemic is a crisis of solidarity," said the head of WHO. The fact that many countries did not share information in the early stages of the pandemic "held back the collective ability to get a clear picture of its profile and trajectory," Ghebreyesus said. According to him, there was also no proper exchange of biological samples, states did not share personal protective equipment, tests, vaccines, technologies, knowledge, intellectual property, and this made it difficult to "prevent infection and save lives.

According to the WHO Director-General, the pandemic "has exposed and exacerbated the fundamental weaknesses in the global architecture for pandemic preparedness and response". This manifests itself, in particular, in "complex and fragmented governance, inadequate funding, inadequate systems and tools" in global health. The best way to solve these problems Gebreyesus sees in the conclusion of a "legally binding agreement between the countries". In his opinion, such a document will create "a framework for strengthening international cooperation".

A draft decision, which was submitted to the special session by several dozen states, including the US and EU countries, contains a proposal to "create an intergovernmental negotiating body" open to all WHO states. Its purpose should be “to draft and negotiate a convention, agreement or other international WHO instrument for pandemic prevention, preparation and response”. The first meeting of this body is expected to be held before March 1, 2022, the second - before August 1.

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