Virologist: COVID becoming common SARS

The COVID-19 epidemic is developing according to one of the scenarios that were predicted at its beginning: the virus is becoming more contagious, but less lethal. This topic is leaving the sphere of public concern, and COVID-19 is becoming a common SARS, Alexey Agranovsky, doctor of biology, professor at the Department of Virology at the Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University, told the Russian bureau of Report.

The virologist spoke about the methods of combating coronavirus infection: “Vaccination and revaccination is by far the most effective method against the virus. Vaccination may not save you from infection, but certainly from hospitalization.”

Agranovsky noted that vaccination reduces the risks of a severe course of COVID-19: “The risk of being in the clinic or dying for the vaccinated is significantly lower than for the unvaccinated. The Centaur strain partially escapes the antibodies formed during vaccination, but there is a sense to be vaccinated, since vaccination reduces the risks of the severe course of COVID-19.”

He also emphasized that when infected with a new strain of Centaur, the disease passes in the same way as when infected with other strains of the Omicron group.

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