Nutritionist dispels myth about benefits of oatmeal for breakfast

The universal recommendation on the benefits of oatmeal porridge for breakfast has lost its relevance.
Report informs citing the RIA Novosti, nutritionist Darya Rusakova said.

"Cereals, which contain a lot of dietary fiber, in particular oatmeal, they absorb not only harmful substances but act like a sponge and can also absorb useful substances, such as calcium," the doctor said.

To prevent calcium excretion, you need to alternate breakfasts: cook oatmeal once or twice a week, the rest of the time - something proteinaceous (cottage cheese, cream cheese fritter, baked pudding, or omelet).

"A protein breakfast increases food thermogenesis - the body spends a lot of energy to break down a protein product, so it warms up, and metabolism speeds up." This breakfast will be more healthy. You get both protein and dietary fiber, and not so many calories, "Rusakova explained.

The nutritionist noted that if a person still prefers porridge for breakfast, it is essential to remember that the dish's calorie content increases if cream, butter, and sugar are added to it.

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