Singapore scientists develop 'smart mask' that can monitor Covid-19 symptoms

Local scientists have developed an integrated monitoring system that can be easily attached to any face mask to monitor the wearer for health indicators associated with Covid-19.

Sensors pick up skin temperature, blood oxygen saturation, blood pressure, and heart rate - all of which are parameters associated with coronaviruses.

Professor Loh Xian Jun, who is one of the scientists behind the invention, told The Straits Times on Thursday (Sept 10) that the inspiration for the system came around the circuit breaker period.
"We saw that when Covid-19 patients were in isolation wards, the front-line workers had to go in and take temperature readings and blood oxygen saturation every 30 minutes or so to monitor their vital signs," said Prof Loh, who is an executive director at the Agency for Science, Technology and Research's (A*Star) Institute of Materials Research and Engineering.

"This also coincided with the time when we saw findings that the virus was present in various parts of the hospitals... So we were wondering if there was a way to help our front-line workers and to reduce the risk that they face," he added.
He said nurses also have to drag big and bulky equipment from room to room while carrying out such monitoring, which is not only inconvenient but also increases the risk of spreading the virus.

In hospitals, such "smart masks" could be given to Covid-19 patients, allowing staff to monitor their vital signs remotely, reducing infection risk for front-line workers.

The substrate is made from a polymer material similar to the one used in superballs, a toy popular with children to bounce up high.
Integrating the chip into the elastic material allows the wearer to feel more comfortable and increases the chip's sensitivity.
The incredibly flexible and durable material, which is also water-resistant, protects the chip and allows it to be reused multiple times, said Prof Chen. The device can be sewn into the cheek area of a regular reusable or disposable face mask, added Prof Loh.

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