Scientists reveal three liver destructive habits

It’s not just alcohol that can disrupt the liver. The Focus edition, referring to experts, has listed three seemingly harmless habits that can destroy this organ, Report says, citing RIA Novosti.

The liver controls hormonal balance, the metabolism of proteins, fats, and sugar, and removes toxins. For the body to be healthy, proper liver function is necessary.

So, even improper use of fruits can lead to cirrhosis or fatty liver. They contain a large amount of fructose, which leads to the deposition of fat on the liver.

“Few pay attention to the content of fructose in food, although its assimilation affects the formation of fat cells – and primarily in the liver,” – quotes the words of experts on August 19, “Medicforum.”

Besides, medication can negatively affect the liver, since it is in this organ that drugs are broken down. Experts advise that if signs of fatigue or pain in the upper abdomen appear after taking medication, stop using them, and discuss an alternative with your doctor

Another habit harmful to the liver is a sedentary lifestyle.

Excess body fat can be stored not only under the skin but also around the internal organs. In this case, inflammation can begin.

On August 21, it became known that Australian scientists have established a drink that protects against liver cancer. According to them, the risk of developing the disease is reduced if you drink two to three cups of coffee a day.

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