Russian nutritionist reveals danger of overeating cheese

Cheese contains many useful elements and can replace milk if a person has lactose intolerance, Andrey Bobrovsky, a nutritionist, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor of the medical faculty of St. Petersburg State University, said in an interview with Sputnik Radio, Report informs.

"Because the lactose content is significantly reduced during the production of cheese, it can become an alternative for those who cannot eat conventional dairy products," he said. "It is only important to choose a variety that won’t cause side effects. It can be any cheese: hard, soft, or cheese product."

The dietitian explained why cheese should be consumed in moderate amounts.

"Cheese has 3-5 times more calories than milk. Proteins can also be 5-6 times more per 100 grams of product, respectively, cheese is a good source of protein, but at the same time, cheese can contain ten times more saturated fat. Most experts associate saturated fat with diseases of civilization - primarily cardiovascular diseases," said Bobrovsky.

The doctor advised choosing either low-calorie varieties or hard ones. He also warned that because cheese has a rich flavor, some people cannot stop in time, often overuse the product, and sometimes even become addicted.

"Many patients complain of dependence on cheese, and this is common: a person is quite indifferent to milk, but he or she has a very close relationship with cheese," Bobrovsky explained.

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